Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bruised Ego and Tailbone

So I am so embarrassed, I was so excited to ride my horse. I am just learning to ride and not very good, but I love to ride. My horses name is Dot. She was not in a good mood, but I thought I could ride it out of her. She was ok at first then she started to crow hope, which I can handle, but then she took off, I have never been on a horse that has gone so fast. Dot tried to run me into the fence. Then she took off even faster. I was scared and did a stupid thing and held onto the saddle. Which through me off balance so when she took the corner I flew off her and hit my tailbone really hard. I know holding onto the saddle was so dumb, I have friends that ride all the time and they have always told me that holding on to the horn is not a good thing at all. Russ mentioned that fact while I was laying on the ground wondering if we should call the ambulance. I just got so scared. I ended up really sore and cried that night because I could not move and it hurt so freaking bad. It has been 2 days and I am now just walking around. I am still really sore, I have learned my lesson and understand why everyone always say not to hold onto the horn or the cantle, especially don’t hold onto both at the same time.
PS. So if you see me I deserve to be laughed at.


Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

Oh Everyone has been bucked off from time to time. Its always good to pull there head up and hold on tight as well and sometimes getting bucked off just happens. Don't worry about.

Erin said...

I am sorry Tori that sucks...I hope you are feeling better. The ground is always harder when you come off a horse. Let me know if I can do anything.

Unknown said...

It not a matter of if you get thrown off its when you get thrown off.... you wont get laughed at everyone that has ever learned to ride as been bucked or thrown. The best thing you can do is get right back on ( well once your butt feels better) :) Hope you feel better soon :)