Monday, March 30, 2009

Are You An Addict.....

My sister wrote this on her blog and i had to share it.

You Know Your An Addicted When .........

. The only thing getting you through your workout it the reward of a diet pepsi on the way home
. Diet pepsi is never put on the shopping list, because it is a given.
. Your husbands new "I'm sorry" is walking through the door with a large diet pepsi
. Foreplay can begin with recieving a large diet pepsi
. You have knowlegde of how every gas station serves thier soda
. Your favorite sound is the psh ahh when the can is opened
. A fun activity with a friend is going to pick up a diet soda
. The highlight of your day is getting a large one

For those of you that are at a loss for words and don't get this. Well I'm happy for you. For the addicted ones thanks for the company .